Programming/Space Planning


Image © Eric Staudenmaier
USC Dramatic Arts building exterior - Modern photo

Adaptive Reuse Project at USC School of Dramatic Arts Demonstrates Impact of Infrastructure on Interior Planning Success

AEI worked with a multidisciplinary team to address MEP needs in transforming a historic church into a contemporary performing arts facility, making strategic system decisions...
Image by Nate Sheets Photography
Midland Lofts in Kansas City

Celebrating Kansas City’s Theatrical History with Themed Office to Apartment Conversion

Design team transforms historic office building adjacent to the Midland Theatre into worker-affordable micro units packed with amenities.
Images courtesy of Palmer Hamilton | PHabLAB
Makerspace capabilities can be incorporated into classrooms of all sizes.

Hallmarks of a Makerspace – A New Kind of Classroom

Makerspaces are now more requested in schools to enhance their technology curriculum. Provide a foundation for hands-on learning with a new approach to classroom configuration...
Image by Joseph D. Tran
//3877 captured the unique movement and dynamism of the space through the owners' foundational pillars for their F&B vision.

Whimsical Refinement

The notion of “whimsical refinement” drove the design concept for first-time restaurateurs.
M Moser Video

Creating a Space for the Next Generation

What is the next generation expecting from the workplace? This new video from M Moser explores how to create spaces that will attract and retain younger generations to the office...
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The Power of AR & VR in Healthcare Design

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are emerging as a must-have tool for the design process of any new healthcare facility.
Getty Images 1298375809

Patients, Staff at the Center of Healthcare Design Trends in 2023

Three key areas reveal where design and innovation meet wellbeing in today's healthcare environments.
Image courtesy of Steelcase
Entry concept: Furniture placement holds space for people who use a wheelchair or mobility devices to be immersed with their peers. Arched seating with optional high back improves sightlines and provides a backdrop of communication (ex. sign language) and privacy, and movable lounge pieces allow for flexibility.

Former High School to Become the Largest Ever Special Olympics Center Dedicated to Disability Inclusion

Special Olympics Michigan partnered with Steelcase to create spaces designed for a first-of-its-kind inclusion center.
Courtesy of Christopher Barrett
Companies looking to bring people back into the office will need to create eudaimonic office spaces, which offer employees a place where they can get their work and personal lives in order to be their best selves.

How the Workplace Can Holistically Evolve to Support Employees

Addressing four key areas of the workplace can not only entice people back into the office, but also offer employees a space where they can become their best selves both personally...