1652350522228 Ild Sapp

Danielle Sapp

Feb. 6, 2012

The Art Institute of Tampa

Graduation Year:

I thought it would be an excellent learning experience to complete this project, being that I have not yet had the opportunity to design a healthcare facility. Thanks to a strong foundation in evidence-based design, I have a sincere desire to pursue a career in the design of healthcare environments.

Concept Statement:
Through evidence-based design, this community health and wellness center meets the communal needs of Nashville while positively impacting patient experiences, staff satisfaction and overall delivery of care. Taking into account the three irreducible tenets of sustainability, known as the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), the design of the entire facility incorporates values of economic prosperity, environmental quality, and social justice.

Overall, it is designed to provide an environment conducive to the healing process through a connection to nature. Internal gardens, incorporated throughout the facility, provide positive distractions for patients and soften the clinical space. Upon entering the light-filled central lounge area, visitors will be greeted with the “living” fountain. It not only serves as a natural focal point, but is a strong organizing design element that ultimately leads visitors to their destination throughout the facility.

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The “Healthy Way” Cafe will act as the ultimate sustainable amenity, serving refrigerated food and beverages that have been prepared using fresh produce grown on-site in the outdoor garden. A looped path of circulation around the perimeter of the garden and adjacent courtyard areas will provide both staff and visitors with outdoor walking space, encouraging exercise and activity. Indoor and outdoor café seating, in conjunction with the central lounge, accommodates guests who are accompanying patients at the clinic by offering several public areas for waiting.

Partnering with the Nashville Livability Project, the community center will implement their immediate steps for future planning to prepare Nashville for the baby boomer wave. This will ultimately create a livable community for all ages. This community destination will encourage healthy lifestyles and wellness through the education and promotion of fitness and nutrition. Five multipurpose domains will accommodate a wide variety of fitness classes and healthy lifestyle activities. Additionally, it will function as a location where local residents can gather for community events. Nutrition education workshops and seminars will be held in the flexible classroom located in close proximity to the nutritionist offices and Healthy Way Cafe. “Education Stations” are strategically placed along paths of circulation throughout the facility, acting as informative amenities. They will enable guests waiting for clinic patients to make good use of their time, while also promoting healthy lifestyles and wellness.

The clinic waiting area enhances the patient experience through comfortable, well-designed furniture. It is a space that can be easily reconfigured for maximum flexibility. Clusters of several seating types accommodate various group dynamics, while also creating more intimate areas. Exam rooms maintain standardized repetitive arrangements in order to increase effectiveness, reducing and preventing medical error. They are positioned along the perimeter of the building for optimal daylight through ample glass, allowing patients and staff members to connect to the calming benefits of the natural world. Consultation rooms are seamlessly integrated and serve one primary function: to facilitate effective communication between the patient and caregiver. The more the patient understands about their condition, the more likely they are to follow the treatment program, and therefore, the better the outcome. Decentralized nursing stations were designed to distribute staff around the unit while also retaining convenient access to physicians’ offices and exam rooms. This design solution increases openness in the plan, avoiding the creation of barriers which would prevent the free flow of information and interaction that is essential to creating a culture of collaboration.

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