Our industry is a dedicated one. The A&D world is continually finding new and innovative ways to not just lengthen the lifecycle of products, but also to make sure that loop stays closed so pieces continue to live on well beyond their original intent. That can take many forms and different methods of paying it forward around the circle, whether it’s through the innovative use of materials to lessen a product’s environmental footprint, supporting ethical labor laws or giving back to the community to positively impact people’s lives.
Regardless of how far-reaching a product’s impact is, if it contributes to the greater good in some way, we want to celebrate the manufacturer’s efforts because every small step can lead to meaningful change. Here’s a roundup of products that keep the circular economy moving in their own way.
Maya Romanoff
Mohawk Group
Signify’s Lightolier 3D Printed Decorative High Bay luminaire is an integrated modular fixture with a built-in light engine. Users can maximize energy efficiency and connect the luminaire to lighting control systems for additional capabilities and savings. The luminaires are constructed with polycarbonate resin, which is 100% recyclable; they’re also printed without traditional mold and cast tools to minimize waste. At the end of the luminaires’ life, the resin can be shredded and reused to produce new luminaires. They are 3D printed, which shortens the manufacturing process from six to nine months to just six to eight weeks. The luminaires also have a drastically lower carbon footprint than comparable luminaires because they’re made from a single material, are lightweight and have fewer and less complex components.