LaGrange, GA - Milliken & Co., a carbon negative manufacturer, recently launched an Energy Conservation Initiative. The initiative focused on four action areas-People, Alternative Sources, Innovation and Green Building-to reduce energy consumption along with related emissions and water use.
The Milliken Energy Conservation Initiative was announced during Respect Our Earth Day, August 24, at Milliken Floor Covering in LaGrange, where proclamations from local and state officials acknowledged Milliken's sustainable practices. Georgia Power will provide a Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) to each employee making the Energy Star® pledge to switch from traditional light bulbs and is working with the company as the challenge expands statewide.
"Respect Our Earth is a philosophy championed by our chairman Roger Milliken for more than 65 years. He has inspired our company to make continual advances in reducing our impact on the planet," says Russell Grizzle, president, global floor covering division of Milliken & Co. "Today, we challenge ourselves, our associates and our communities to make a difference by lowering energy consumption."
Georgia industries and businesses used about half as much energy to produce each dollar of Gross State Product in 2004 as in 1984. During that same period consumption statewide still grew 76 percent and individual Georgians used 16 percent more energy per person. Milliken's Energy Conservation Initiative addresses four factors affecting consumption: 1) People - increases awareness among associates to change practices at home and work; 2) Alternative Sources - expands exploration of energy resources; 3) Innovation - applies technological advances to lower consumption; and 4) Green Building - registers company facilities with LEED®.
Moving forward, Milliken will expand energy conservation activities and become proactive with a complete energy audit at Milliken Floor Covering, which will result in reduced energy consumption, higher efficiencies, and a cleaner and greener operation. Milliken associates are joining the Energy Star Pledge with the CFLs provided by Georgia Power as the first step toward reduced consumption.
The company registered its corporate headquarters in Spartanburg and the Milliken Design Center in LaGrange with U.S. Green Building Council's LEED Rating SystemTM for Existing Buildings and its showroom in The Chicago Merchandise Mart with LEED 2.0 for Commercial Interiors earlier in the year.
Milliken Floor Covering, based in LaGrange, GA, is a business unit of Milliken & Co., headquartered in Spartanburg, SC. The company has generated zero waste from carpet manufacturing since 1999 and is contracted to use a minimum of 80 percent of the methane harvested from the local landfill. Milliken is the only company in Georgia and the textile industry to achieve Cleaner and GreenerSM/Health & Climate Care certification from the respected Leonardo Academy. Milliken Floor Covering has reduced energy and water consumption by more than 50 percent (per pound of product) since 1995, while increasing production. Go to to learn more.