Emeryville, CA - A valuable new resource is now available to corporations, government officials, the media, and other stakeholders across the green building products industry. Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), the leader in green building product certification since 1990, recently announced the launch of the SCS Certified Products Database.
The SCS Certified Products Database is available online by going to the SCS home page at www.scscertified.com and clicking on the icon and link in the lower right box, or by going directly to www.scscertified.com/ecoproducts/products.
"Our clients and our clients' customers, as well as government officials, industry trade associations, and the media, will find this to be a value-added and easy-to-use information tool," explains Alexander Winslow, director of communications, for SCS. "At the same time, this is just the start for this database. We're already beginning to work on Version 2.0, which will include product images imbedded with direct links to those products' Web site profiles, as well as other helpful features."
The database allows users to search for certified products by manufacturer, product category, product sub-category, product type, brand name, and certification number. Users also can conduct searches by the relevant SCS certification program and by conformance program or standard such as the ANSI/BIFMA furniture emissions standards or LEED® (the USGBC's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program). The user-friendly interfaces include easy-to-use features such as pull-down menus, open field key word searches, and search refinement and reset functions.
About Scientific Certification Systems (SCS)
SCS is a pioneer in third-party auditing and certification services and standards development for environmental and sustainability claims. Over two decades, SCS has developed internationally recognized standards and certification programs aimed at spurring the highest level of environmental improvements, social accountability and product performance. Its programs span a wide cross-section of the economy, recognizing accomplishments in the fields of product manufacturing, green building, forestry, agricultural production, food processing and handling, fisheries, energy, and retail. Certification programs for building products include SCS Indoor AdvantageT Gold, SCS Sustainable ChoiceT, Recycled content, Biodegradability, and more. For more information about SCS, visit www.scscertified.com or call 510-452-8000.