WELL Certification


Image courtesy of Kimball International
Kimball International Boston Showroom

What Does a Healthy Showroom Look Like?

Kimball International’s Boston showroom recently achieved WELL certification at the Platinum level, becoming the fifth of the company’s facilities to do so. Here’s what the certificatio...
Image courtesy of Lusive
Arco Chandelier by Lusive

Arco Chandelier by Lusive (2024 PIA Winner)

The Arco fixture merges organic and industrial forms to create a harmony of color and geometry.
Courtesy of Getty Images

Clarifying Sustainability Standards Through Commercial Furniture

In a sea of sustainable rating systems, BIFMA’s level certification label makes it easier to shop for eco-friendly furniture.
Courtesy of Kimball International

Kimball International’s Los Angeles Showroom Earns WELL Certified Platinum Distinction

Take a 360-degree tour of this space that promotes the health and well-being of staff, visitors, and the local community.
Courtesy of Getty Images

Simplifying Sustainability Standards with BIFMA's Steve Kooy

BIFMA's level certification for furniture provides much-needed clarity in a sea of sustainability standards and certifications.